Thursday 16 October 2014

Roydon v Diss Junior

On Thursday Roydon's A and B team footballers played Diss Junior school. In damp condition we came out victorious in both games.

Roydon A 6 - 0 Diss Junior

Roydon B 2 - 0 Diss Junior

Lots of entertainment, lots of goals and matches played in a superb spirit!

Well done boys!

Friday 18 July 2014

Sports Day 2014

Hawthorn, Rowan, Willow and Maple took part in Sports Day last week. 

Wednesday 2 July 2014

Rounders tournament

This week we took two teams of year 5 and 6 children to diss high school to take part in a rounders tournament.

We played superbly and enjoyed ourselves. Roydon team 1 won 5 games out of 7. Roydon team 2 won 7 games out of 8 - winning the entire tournament! Congratulations and well done to everyone that took part!

Thursday 20 March 2014

Roydon A vs Diss Junior A

On Wednesday Roydon 1 took on Diss Junior School in a football match. An own goal and a goal from Jack meant that Roydon were victorious 2-0.

Well done boys!

Roydon vs Diss Junior (Year 4)

On Wednesday the year 4's played a football match against Diss Junior School. We won 2-0 with a goal each from Declan and Ethan.

Well done boys!